We set a precedent in medicine
in these unprecedented times!

What we do!

Med-Dia is a telehealth company, which means that we provide healthcare to patients while operating fully online. We have a variety of services available, including screening tests for symptoms, video appointments with doctors, and 24-7 customer service to answer questions or help with any technological issues. Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, we’ve remained dedicated to make healthcare accessible for those who no longer have the option of physical care, for any reason. In fact, our primary goal is, “to give equal opportunity and chances to those who need medical assistance without additional risk.” We’re here for all our patients and workers (online, of course).

Our Core Values



Patients' Health

They saved my life by spotting the problem ahead of time and recommending a physical doctor for me.

Edward Satern

This service is easy to use and every doctor I’ve seen has been knowledgeable and helped me with whatever I’m going through. I don’t have to worry about my health anymore.

Audrey Parkin

I have high-risk relatives and haven’t been able to go to a doctor’s appointment in over a year. Med-Dia was what finally gave me healthcare again.

Thomas Jackson

When I called the costumer service with questions, they were polite, professional, and helpful. They made it so much easier to access my appointment and receive proper care.

John Proctor

Med-dia is a life-saver. Thanks to them, it is literally possible to diagnose, prescribe, and help you, all in fifteen minutes and over the Internet.

Boe Piden